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Category: Local directory/platform

What is BBB?

BBB (Better Business Bureau) is a nonprofit organization that provides consumers with information about businesses, including ratings, reviews, and complaints, to help them make informed purchasing decisions. It also offers accreditation to businesses that meet its standards for trust and ethical practices.

BBB Review - How to submit your business: is a widely respected platform that helps businesses build trust and credibility with consumers by providing a space for verified reviews, complaint resolutions, and transparency. For businesses, obtaining accreditation from the Better Business Bureau (BBB) can significantly enhance their reputation and consumer trust, as the BBB is known for its strict standards of honesty, transparency, and responsiveness.

To get listed on, a business can apply for accreditation by meeting the BBB’s standards, which include a commitment to make a good faith effort to resolve consumer complaints. Accredited businesses can create a profile that includes their contact information, business description, and details about their services or products. The profile also displays the business’s BBB rating, which ranges from A+ to F, based on factors such as the company’s complaint history, transparency, and how long it has been in operation.

Customer reviews and complaints are a central feature of, and businesses are encouraged to respond promptly to any complaints filed through the platform. Handling complaints effectively can improve a business’s BBB rating and demonstrate its commitment to customer service. Positive reviews and high ratings can also attract more customers and lead to increased trust in the business. also offers paid services for accredited businesses, such as enhanced profiles and advertising opportunities, which can increase visibility and drive more traffic to the business’s website. However, the primary value of BBB accreditation lies in the trust it engenders among consumers who recognize the BBB as a symbol of reliability and ethical business practices.

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Where is the link?

Business profile page within the BBB directory and potentially in customer reviews or complaint resolutions.

will take you to the directory website